
Our mission– to make sure you feel confident and well-prepared for your most important meetings–defines what we build, but our principles describe how we build.



1. No new software. 

The world is already flooded with SaaS, and we’re not interested in adding clutter to your stack. In fact, we want to help reduce the amount of software tools you use on a daily basis. 


Instead, we’re taking a “zero UI” approach. Our product should feel more like a service, or a really smart coworker. We deliver value through the communication channels you’re already comfortable with: email, calendar, text, and chat. 


No new interfaces to learn. No downloads. No app store. No new browser tabs (we know you have too many open already). 



2. Preserve the human touch.

The world is very, very excited about AI right now. We are too, but we also believe that humans have unique skills and abilities that AI will never be able to replicate.


Our product is designed to facilitate deeper, more meaningful, more effective conversations between real people. When you use AI to simulate or replace human interaction, it’s easy to sniff out. Many of us sense this intuitively as we watch an army of chatbots attack our inbox everyday. 


We view humans as an essential and permanent part of Premeeting. AI makes our solution dramatically more efficient and scalable than we ever imagined a few years ago, but the people behind the scenes are our “X factor.” 


This AI-enabled approach is definitely more expensive than the full-AI approach, but it allows us to provide much deeper, more personalized, and more accurate insights than any AI model on its own. 


Plus, we just like people. And a business without people sounds lonely. 



3. Minimize noise. 

If you have several hours to prepare for a meeting in advance, there’s no shortage of information available. The public web, internal data sources, and AI-powered chatbots will give you a full data dump on any company, prospect, customer, or situation.


The problem is not the quantity of information available, but the time it takes to identify and use the most valuable information.


Most people are spread very thin, and it’s virtually impossible for them to adequately prepare for all of their important meetings. We give them the minimum information required to make the largest possible impact. 


You have enough noise in your day. Premeeting allows you to focus on the signal. 



4. Create good habits. 

Our product is not a silver bullet. We cannot immediately triple your conversion rate. We promise no overnight miracles. 


However, we have very good evidence to believe that anyone can significantly improve their performance by developing a habit of consistent preparation. It only takes a few meetings to feel the impact, and the burst of confidence that follows. 


When we observed the executives and enterprise sales reps–the true rainmakers–at some of the world’s highest-performing companies, we noticed that almost all of them had a thoughtful, repeatable pre-meeting strategy. We’re taking their playbook and turning it into a service that anyone can access. 


Premeeting is designed not only to provide you with information, but help you build the habits that drive success. Our product shouldn’t just give you better results, but make you a better communicator in the process. 



5. Protect credibility. 

Before agreeing to anything in a meeting–a sale, a renewal, a follow-up, etc–the person on the other side needs to trust you. If you fail to build that sense of trust, it won’t matter how much you’ve prepared.  


Our product is designed with the assumption that every meeting is just one step in a much longer relationship-building process. So, we make specific choices to protect your reputation, credibility, and trustworthiness: 

We show our sources and correct our mistakes. We’re transparent about the limitations of our data. We ensure all data is sourced in a provably compliant and ethical manner. We aim at long-term relationships over short-term transactions.


